SINUSITIS: Nasal congestion, pressure or pain in your sinus area, headaches, yellow-green discharge…UGH…it’s ON!
Miserable indeed! I used to suffer with this terribly! I stopped drinking cow’s milk years ago and have rarely had a problem since. Dairy creates mucus!
Eucalyptus will help relieve congestion. Inhaling hot steam with this thins the mucus in your sinuses so it can get OUT! Eucalyptus essential oil has powerful antimicrobial property. Peppermint oil can also help. Try about 1 ½ quarts boiling water with 5 drops of eucalyptus and 2 drops peppermint oil. Carefully pour boiling water into heatproof bowl and add oils. Cover with towel tent over your head and breathe in the steam for about 10 minutes. Be careful…don’t burn yourself. Try this a couple times a day.
BEST EVER—-To ease pain and encourage drainage of mucus…use HOT AND COLD PACKS alternately. Freeze a cloth in refrig and heat one in the microwave. Alternate each for about 3 minutes each and end up with the cold pack. You won’t believe how much relief you get! You can also add eucalyptus oil to the hot pack. Can do this several times a day as needed.
To prevent and strengthen immunity…take Echinacea and garlic.
Remember….fluids will help loosen mucus so stay hydrated. Sip broths with garlic in them. Drink plenty of pure water and hot herbal teas.
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