Do you Respect your Health?

Why do we not RESPECT the health of our bodies like we should?   Is it because our bodies can take so much abuse and yet still function well?  Because they can re-boot pretty quickly and get us back in working order after an illness or accident?  Even though we continue to feed it badly, not give it the rest it needs or allow it the exercise it was designed to use, it still does it best to work for us in an amazing way every moment of every day…..UNTIL it can do no more.  We are completely startled when the body sends up its RED FLAG and says…”No more, I just can’t do it “no more ,no more, no more, no more”!  Then what?  Do we look for the miracle pill or drug?  The magic surgery?  When the devastating news is delivered….then what?  We start to pay closer attention but now we are climbing UPHILL.  Most TV ads tell us not to worry…there is a PILL for every problem…even some you can take BEFORE the problem becomes a problem.  With a simple but effective shift in your thinking process….you can begin to take back charge of your health and your life.  The food you eat, the thoughts you think, the stress you deal with, the sleep you make sure you get, the supplements you take, the JUNK and chemicals you avoid IS your magic pill.  STAND UP and take control back of your life and health.   It can redefine your life experience.  Your body will begin the process of correction as you begin to fuel it with the nutrients it needs.  We have to be OPEN to change.  Open to returning to a more natural mode of life with fewer toxins poured into us on a daily basis.  Stick with me…YOUR HOLISTIC GURU and we will open the doors to change together….change for a new YOU…a New Day….A life worth living.

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