P. M. S. Post Menustral Syndrome….H E L P!

P.M.S. —Where was all this amazing knowledge when I suffered horribly from PMS?  Wow, I sure could have used some help. Just to realize a couple things…1)YES..it was real and 2)NO, I was not crazy– would have been an amazing start.  Symptoms ranging from confusion to poor judgment and decision making, horrible mood swings, body aches, bloating, anger and verbal abuse (me-to others), alternating between lethargy and energy swings, alienation, guilt for being so darn mean, cravings for sweets to name just a few miserable ones. I was a mess for about a week a month for several years.  I did notice even before I knew what I know now that when my diet was cleaner and I exercised more often, the symptoms were less and more manageable.  I have never been one to go to a Dr. to talk about anything emotional but I did reach out to a couple docs looking for help with severe PMS back then.  No one seemed to believe it was real.  WHAT A CRAZY LIE or misconception back then!    We now know that PMS can be improved and/or alleviated with natural progesterone. Estrogen is the dominate sex hormone during the first week after menstruation.  With ovulation, progesterone levels rise to assume dominance during the two weeks preceding menstruation. Progesterone blocks many of estrogens potential side effects.  A surplus of estrogen or a deficiency of progesterone during these two weeks allows an abnormal month long exposure to estrogen dominance setting the stage for symptoms of estrogen side effects. Very often, the simple correction of the progesterone deficiency will restore normal biofeedback and pituitary function.  I would certainly have tried this knowing what I know now and I suggest you consider it if you are suffering with severe PMS.  First, clean up your diet, make sure you get regular exercise and consider natural progesterall crème.    Excerpts from Dr. John Lee’s “What Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About Menopause”



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