Vaginal itching, irritation, inflammation, white discharge? Yeast infections typically caused by an overgrowth of Candida Albicans, FUNGI that normally inhabit the vagina.  This weakness is generally caused by too much stress, HIGH SUGAR diet or hormonal fluctuations which will upset the normal acidic balance of the vagina.

You can actually STARVE the fungi if you stop eating SUGAR and REFINED FOODS.  Taking PRO-biotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus, one with each meal for one month will help replenish the healthy intestinal flora.

Avoid tight fitting clothing AND synthetic underwear. Don’t use scented toilet paper, deodorant tampons or scented pads or deodorant soaps.  They have chemicals that will dry out sensitive vaginal tissue.

A strong herbal rinse made with 1 ½ cups boiling water; 2 teaspoons dried thyme; 1 teaspoon dried rosemary and 1 teaspoon dried sage is another great infection fighter. Its antimicrobial properties stop the overgrowth of the fungi and the astringent properties soothe irritated tissues.  Pour the water over the herbs, cover and steep for 20 minutes.  Strain and use as vaginal rinse twice daily.

Clean up your diet by removing sugar and processed foods, add the pro-biotics , stop using scented products and using the herbal rinse as needed should bring relief and in the long run destroy Candida.

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