More…..THYROID Imbalance
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:
- Apathy
- Attention deficit disorders
- Backs of hands turned forward
- Brain Fog
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Cold hands/feet (Barnes Test)
- Constant build up of wax in ears
- Delayed teething in children
- Drooping eyelid
- Dry; course skin, hair and nails
- Dull facial expression
- Fatigue
- Growth Retardation in children
- Hard time waking in the morning
- Headaches
- High Cholesterol problems
- Hoarse voice with slow speech
- Hyperlipidemia
- Intolerance to cold
- Lethargy
- Loss of hair in outer 1/3 eyebrow
- Menstrual disturbances
- Monopolar depression
- Muscle fatigue
- Palms of hands yellow
- Premature delivery in pregnancy
- Puffy face
- Short-term memory problems
- Sleeps easily but not rested upon waking
- Slow mental development
- Slow Pulse
- Tinnitus (Ringing of the ears)
- TSH levels high, but T3/T4 levels low
- Waking up with a headache
- Weight gain
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism:
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Bipolar Depression
- Diarrhea
- Eye pain
- Eyelid retraction (bulging eyes)
- Frequent bowel movements
- Goiter (enlarged thyroid)
- Increased activity
- Increased appetite w/ weight loss
- Increased vocalization (cats)
- Nervousness
- Palpitations
- Photophobia (sensitive to light)
- Sensitivity to heat
- Tachycardia (rapid heart beat)
- Tremors
- Warm, moist skin
- Widened pulse pressure (normal 120/80)
Things that adversely affect the Thyroid function:
- Aluminum (preservatives/antifungal)
- Autoimmune thyroid diseases:
- Graves
- Hashimoto’s
- Cadmium poisoning
- Caffeine
- Chakra imbalance (fifth)
- Chemicals and Xenobiotics
- PCB’s from plastics
- Hormones in food
- Cosmetics
- Phenolic Compounds
- Styrofoam cups
- Microwaved plastic wrap
- Water bottles
- Drugs (SSRI Antidepressants)
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Computers
- Flying
- TV’s
- Appliances w/ LED lights
- Estrogen (too much)
- Exercise, too little
- Hormonal imbalances
- Iodine Excess (Coast Goiter Syndrome)
- Iodine deficiency
- Lack of morning exercise
- Lead poisoning
- Light, not enough sunshine
- Liver disease
- Mercury poisoning
- Opiates
- Pesticides
- Plant hormones (Estrogens)
- Raw Foods containing cyanogenic glycosides:
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Flax
- Garlic
- Peaches
- Pears
- Spinach
- Turnips
- Raw foods that increase T4 clearance:
- Soybeans
- Walnuts
- Selenium Deficiency
- Smoking
- Stimulants
- Sugar
- Sunshine-lack of (slows Thyroid)
- Surgery
- Tyrosine Deficiency
- Zinc Deficiency
Notes on things that affect the Thyroid Gland Function:
Bipolar depression is exhibited as the thyroid hormone drives energy levels beyond the physical limits of the body.
Lithium, a common treatment for manic-depression, is known to depress T3 in the brain bringing the levels back to normal.
Long-term stress leads to autoimmune disease because stress decreases the production of Natural Killer cells. Two examples of this are Hashimoto and Grave’s diseases. This in turn increases food sensitivities and environmental sensitivities. Ashwaganda, and Ayurvedic herb, is an herb that helps manage stress by decreasing cortisol levels.
Hashimoto’s Disease is an autoimmune induced thyroid disease caused by the body’s own antibodies attacking the thyroid gland. When you provide the system with a thyroid supplement (protomorphogens like MediHerb Thyroid Complex), the antibodies will attack the supplement first allowing the thyroid gland to heal itself. The thyroid supplement acts as a decoy for the antibodies.
Grave’s disease is an autoimmune induced thyroid disease caused when the body’s own antibodies block conversion of T4 to T3.
Caffeine, sugar, and other stimulants increase the cortisol released from the adrenal glands in the body. When this happens the cortisol block the conversion of T4 to T3 so causes hypothyroidism.
Smoking depresses the thyroid gland from producing thyroid hormone and adrenal hormones. This is why it can be a factor in hypothyroidism.
Alcohol or opiates can increase T3 levels in the body by preventing the breakdown of t# in the brain, so in hypothyroidism alcohol can act as a mood elevator. Alcohol gives these patients a mood-elevator buzz. At the same time, alcohol is causing the liver to be stressed and toxic which disturbs the metabolism of all kinds of hormones over the long-term. By keeping the T3 levels high in the system this suppresses the Thyroid Hormone (TH) being released from the brain. One result of this is that the liver starts producing more cholesterol, fatty acids, and triglycerides. Alcohol also hurts the liver over time enough to prevent it from storing the fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A. Because of this, Vitamin A (carotenoids) can build up in the body and shows up in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet as yellowing.
So when you smoke and drink, you are really doing a double-whammy on your thyroid gland. It’s so hard to quit because of the hormonal imbalances that these products cause. Some think that this is why smoking and alcohol are so addictive.
Iodine deficiency is the second major cause of hypothyroidism. The first cause of iodine deficiency is diet. So why not eat fortified table salt? Well, these kinds of salts are highly processed. All the natural minerals are extracted leaving only Sodium, Chloride and Iodine in inorganic form, which is not bioavailable. The body will use it if there is nothing else. The thyroid gland will store this iodine until it needs it, but it doesn’t use inorganic forms as efficiently and effectively as organic forms. To get around this problem, use Celtic Sea Salt, which comes from the ocean, is not refined, is gray, moist and is surrounded by organic “Mother Liquor”.
High consumption of raw soy products (soymilk, soy cheese, soy yogurt, and soy flour in protein drinks), flaxseed, and corn products all have cyanogenic glycosides in them. These plants produce natural goitrogens. Cooking and fermentation disables these goitrogens by breaking down the phytate components.
Phytates are the mineral blocking product of the food making the calcium, magnesium, manganese and copper unavailable. In the East, where they use soy, they always cook it. Americans are finding more ways to use uncooked soy products and it shows by the amount of thyroid disease we are generating.
Note: Cooking does not breakdown cyanogenic glycoside in corn syrup and corn syrup seems to be hidden in everything these days. Also, sugar of any kind is also known to suppress the immune system for several hours after it has been consumed.
Soymilk is especially bad for babies. If they can’t have regular milk, use 75% Goats milk plus 25% Carrot juice (to replace folic acid, which is low in Goat’s milk) as a wholesome, complete milk and formula substitute.
Seasonal Affective Disorder is thyroid-linked or pineal gland linked. It responds well to St. John’s Wort or foods high in tyrosine (sesame seeds, raw egg yolk).
Environmental Hazards affecting Thyroid Function:
Electromagnetic Radiation: Computers, appliances with LED lights, and airplane trips generate stress on the body by their damaging electromagnetic fields (EMF’s). One 10-hour flight @ 33,000 feet exposes the body to the same level of radiation as one chest x-ray with no protection.
Use Eleutherococcus (Siberian Ginseng) herb to protect against radiation. Siberian Ginseng is a wonderful adrenal tonic herb as well. Start out with 5ml extract per day or 4 tabs/day for one week before your trip. Note: There are other forms of Ginseng, but they do different things. Get Siberian for this purpose.
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts) also protects the body against EMF’s and radiation exposure. It turns into a fine white powder when it has absorbed all that it can. You can place some inside a seat cushion and carry the cushion on the plane with you in your carry-on bag. Sit on it during your trip.
Heavy metal toxicity (lead, mercury, cadmium) and EMF’s suppress the endocrine system, alter the RBC (red blood cell) and WBC (white blood cell) counts and cause uniform hair loss.
PCB’s, hormones in food, cosmetics, and phenolic compounds increase anti-thyroid antibodies in the system so inhibit thyroid hormone activity and iodine metabolism. These factors, coupled with increased, prolonged stress leads to Hashimoto’s and Grave’s diseases as well.
Note: Children are very susceptible to these things as their bodies are smaller and they can’t handle as much as a human. They are getting the same amount of PCB’s from drinking out of Styrofoam cups and water bottles as an adult, only it hurts them more.
Excerpts from Dr. Denise Moffat
Need a little more POTASSIUM?
- At January 31, 2013
- By Vickie
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Our diets of processed foods has greatly disturbed our natural ratio of sodium and potassium. We all worry about our sodium intake but fail to realize that we are becoming very potassium deficient. Aldosterone is the hormone that controls potassium and magnesium excretion and sodium retention. Aldosterone is suppressed in the presence of potassium deficiency or sodium excess.
Parsley, Spinach and asparagus are great foods to add to your meals especially if you are feeling bloated.
Check out the content in some foods you may be eating:
Bacon, uncooked 250 Potassium 1400 Sodium
Corned Beef 140 Potassium 950 Sodium
Peas, fresh 380 Potassium 1 Sodium
Cabbage, uncooked 390 Potassium 7 Sodium
Statistics and Facts:
- Thyroid disease is one of the most common hormonal disorders.
- Hypothyroidism has been called the “great imitator” because of the vast number of medical conditions thyroid conditions can mimic.
- An estimated 13 million Americans are affected by thyroid disease.
- More than half of the people with thyroid disease are unaware they have it.
- Thyroid disease affect 8 times more women as it does men
- The mid-west is called the “goiter belt” because the soil there is so deficient in Iodine.
What does the thyroid gland do?
The thyroid gland converts food into energy and heat by modulating carbohydrates, proteins, fat metabolism, vitamin utilization, mitochondrial function, digestive process, muscle and nerve activity, blood flow, oxygen utilization hormone secretion, sexual and reproductive health, and more.
The pituitary, hypothalamus in the brain are responsible for the regulation of how much thyroid hormone should be produced for the body. Heavy metals can attach to the hypothalamus and pituitary and cause a communication problem as to how much thyroid hormone should be available.
We need to have lots of zinc, selenium and iodine in our diets to produce the enzymes that convert T4 to T3.
Sugar leads to binding of the thyroid hormone making it unavailable to the body (hypothyroidism results).
Copper, mercury, and lead will block zinc absorption. This is why it’s important to detect and get rid of any heavy metals in the body.
Lifestyle Changes to Support Thyroid Disorders:
- Exercise, increase
- Keep neck area warm
- Manage Stress
- Sugar elimination
- Sun Box (Full Spectrum Lights)
- Sunshine/Full-Spectrum lights
- Throat Chakra- Speak your truth
- Turn thumbs forward
- Warm compresses to thyroid area
Excerpts from Dr. Denise Moffatt
REMEMBER….eating whole, nutrient dense foods is always the cornerstone of healing. ANTI-inflammatory foods do not come in packages. Add spices to your cooking, use TURMERIC and GINGER and use CELTIC SALT to get your body back in balance…..An IMBALANCE can be corrected!
P. M. S. Post Menustral Syndrome….H E L P!
- At January 30, 2013
- By Vickie
- In Hormones
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P.M.S. —Where was all this amazing knowledge when I suffered horribly from PMS? Wow, I sure could have used some help. Just to realize a couple things…1) was real and 2)NO, I was not crazy– would have been an amazing start. Symptoms ranging from confusion to poor judgment and decision making, horrible mood swings, body aches, bloating, anger and verbal abuse (me-to others), alternating between lethargy and energy swings, alienation, guilt for being so darn mean, cravings for sweets to name just a few miserable ones. I was a mess for about a week a month for several years. I did notice even before I knew what I know now that when my diet was cleaner and I exercised more often, the symptoms were less and more manageable. I have never been one to go to a Dr. to talk about anything emotional but I did reach out to a couple docs looking for help with severe PMS back then. No one seemed to believe it was real. WHAT A CRAZY LIE or misconception back then! We now know that PMS can be improved and/or alleviated with natural progesterone. Estrogen is the dominate sex hormone during the first week after menstruation. With ovulation, progesterone levels rise to assume dominance during the two weeks preceding menstruation. Progesterone blocks many of estrogens potential side effects. A surplus of estrogen or a deficiency of progesterone during these two weeks allows an abnormal month long exposure to estrogen dominance setting the stage for symptoms of estrogen side effects. Very often, the simple correction of the progesterone deficiency will restore normal biofeedback and pituitary function. I would certainly have tried this knowing what I know now and I suggest you consider it if you are suffering with severe PMS. First, clean up your diet, make sure you get regular exercise and consider natural progesterall crème. Excerpts from Dr. John Lee’s “What Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About Menopause”
Do you Respect your Health?
- At January 30, 2013
- By Vickie
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Why do we not RESPECT the health of our bodies like we should? Is it because our bodies can take so much abuse and yet still function well? Because they can re-boot pretty quickly and get us back in working order after an illness or accident? Even though we continue to feed it badly, not give it the rest it needs or allow it the exercise it was designed to use, it still does it best to work for us in an amazing way every moment of every day…..UNTIL it can do no more. We are completely startled when the body sends up its RED FLAG and says…”No more, I just can’t do it “no more ,no more, no more, no more”! Then what? Do we look for the miracle pill or drug? The magic surgery? When the devastating news is delivered….then what? We start to pay closer attention but now we are climbing UPHILL. Most TV ads tell us not to worry…there is a PILL for every problem…even some you can take BEFORE the problem becomes a problem. With a simple but effective shift in your thinking process….you can begin to take back charge of your health and your life. The food you eat, the thoughts you think, the stress you deal with, the sleep you make sure you get, the supplements you take, the JUNK and chemicals you avoid IS your magic pill. STAND UP and take control back of your life and health. It can redefine your life experience. Your body will begin the process of correction as you begin to fuel it with the nutrients it needs. We have to be OPEN to change. Open to returning to a more natural mode of life with fewer toxins poured into us on a daily basis. Stick with me…YOUR HOLISTIC GURU and we will open the doors to change together….change for a new YOU…a New Day….A life worth living.
YO MOMMA Series…
- At January 29, 2013
- By Vickie
- In Yo Momma Series
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Have we agreed that maybe the time to stop blaming YO MOMMA is at hand? Good, now we can proceed.
Let’s take ONE scenario and talk it through. You have this “YO MOMMA”. She’s a party girl. Not exactly the cupcake baking model you’d hoped for but hey…people seem to like her and she’s not that bad to you personally. Her parties come and go…your school nights pass by with little to no effort on her part in your big scheme of life but you manage. Cheering or Football practices come and go and somehow you find a ride and again…you manage. Occasionally you hear an “atta boy or girl” and your smile widens. Man, it feels good when YO MOMMA gives you that smile….the one that makes you believe she totally has it in her…that she could ROCK this thing called Motherhood with just a tiny bit of effort…..sometimes it makes it seem all worth while. Then the parties began again….mayhaps with a vengence, depending on what’s going on in her life and your soul despairs. Here we go again. BUT….you manage. YO MOMMA may miss a very important event in your life…maybe too much drink? Maybe not as aware of what is going on your life as you’d hoped….BUT….you manage. Beginning to get the picture? Your DNA may be a little stronger than you thought. YOU find a way to manage. Fast forward 20 years. You’ve been “managing” for too long and you’re over it. The blaming begins. Maybe it didn’t take that long. Maybe it never stopped. “If YO MOMMA had just been there for you a little more…If YO MOMMA had showed you the love you needed…IF YO MOMMA had just shown you how life should be lived”….All true.
Get it out…Scream it out loud….Cry it out…Kick…Stomp… talk it over with a friend, or a therapist but GET IT OUT! Because…that part of life is now over. Take the good parts you remember (if you have some) and get moving in the direction of YOUR choice. YO MOMMA had her reasons or her excuses just like the rest of us. Maybe you’re mad at GOD for choosing her DNA for you. Whomever you’re mad at….GET OVER IT! Because after all, excuses are just excuses…no matter who they come from. They may have merit but if they are not serving YOU in getting on with your life…WHY keep them in your circle of life…of love?
Like I’ve said…I am a YO MOMMA and I have also been a YO KID with a not so perfect home life. I loved my Mom very much. She was very much like the scenario presented above. Fun loving, always had friends, loved to dance….was the life of every party and her life was one big party. She loved the beach, she loved to read, she loved a new convertible car usually baby blue and large but the operative word here is LOVE. The words she spoke had love in them very often. Her actions spoke that she loved herself a little more than her children at times.
There comes a time in all of our lives where we have to choose to make a new choice, maybe our first choice but NOW is the time. NOW is your time. MO…YO MOMMA to come…
DIABETES (Type1) about 5-10 Percent of people with Diabetes has Type 1
Conventional Doctors believe Type I Diabetes is a classic example of an autoimmune disease. That our system mistakenly identifies part of the body as an outside invader and attacks itself with substances called antibodies. Conventional Medicine believes that insulin dependent diabetes occurs because the immune system kills the cells of the pancreas which is the organ that produces insulin, which takes blood sugar out of the bloodstream and into the cells of the body…since Type 1 typically begins in childhood…hence a lifetime of insulin dependency.
Some Alternative Doctors believe radically different: There are THREE diet related steps they believe can help not only prevent but treat this disease. (I will sum these up)
COWS MILK: AVOID at all cost. They believe some have an intense allergic reaction to cow’s milk and the antibodies created during that allergic reaction also “cross-react” with the islet cells of the pancreas, destroying them.
GLUTEN: (Likely Suspect) found in wheat, rye, oats, barley and other grains. (Buckwheat, rice and corn are the exceptions). Gluten can trigger another heredity allergic condition called CELIAC DISEASE, a severe intestinal illness. Certain human leukocyte antigens (HLA) are associated with celiac disease and the development of Type 1 diabetes. Steer clear of gluten in your diet and even gluten containing ingredients like distilled white vinegar, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and malt extract. Lots of great cookbooks out there for gluten free foods!
NIACINAMIDE: To the Rescue~~~ One of the B Vitamins is the number one nutrient for treating Type 1 diabetes to rescue pancreatic islet cells and restore more function to the pancreas.
Also…did you know you can EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO LESS INSULIN? People with Type 1 diabetes who exercise for 35-40 minutes 4 or 4 times a week may be able to cut their insulin needs by 20-25 percent. Fewer insulin shots means less wear and tear on injection sites. Try brisk walking, swimming, some strength training, stretching, dancing but get moving!
NOTE: You should use the alternative remedies only as part of your treatment program that is guided and monitored by a qualified medical doctor with a qualified alternative practitioner, both of whom are experienced in caring for your condition. Diabetes symptoms include: frequent urination, increased appetite and thirst, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, decreased consciousness and you should see a doctor if you experience these symptoms.
Alternative Cures…Bill Gottlieb
What’s the first step you take for good health?
- At January 28, 2013
- By Vickie
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What is the first step in achieving and maintaining good health? It is taking responsibility for your own health and NOT relying on the medical industry to do it for you and to make all your health decisions! After all…..Those who are well, don’t need a physician.”
As Dr. Timothy Brantley says….If we are the CAUSE….then WE are the Cure!
What does GOOD HEALTH mean to you?
- At January 28, 2013
- By Vickie
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What does GOOD HEALTH mean to you personally?
The World Health Organization defines it as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. Pretty good, huh? To me….Good Health is NOT just the absence of disease but total FREEDOM to live the life I want to live. Dis-ease cost money and time, energy and certainly FREEDOM. Good Health means doing what I want to do when I want to do it with rare exception. Vitality…feeling youthful at any age, still feeling excitement about life in general. Being healthy simply feels GREAT~
Your Body was Created to HEAL
- At January 28, 2013
- By Vickie
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You were designed to re-design. Whatever dis-ease you are dealing with right now……use your lack of health to encourage you and urge you on to CHANGE IT. Re-name your disease right now to imbalance. Our bodies are faithful to give us excellent clues long before they break down completely. PAY ATTENTION to what your body is telling you. Chronic acne or pimples, colds, infections, digestive problems, low sex drive, yeast infections, all these are warning signals of imbalance in our bodies. We take more drugs, perhaps drink more alcohol to feel sexy and the imbalances get deeper.
Don’t live with unnecessary limitations. YOU have the power to change your dis-ease. Take charge of your health. No one knows your body like you do…not a MD or anyone else.
SINUSITIS: Nasal congestion, pressure or pain in your sinus area, headaches, yellow-green discharge…UGH…it’s ON!
Miserable indeed! I used to suffer with this terribly! I stopped drinking cow’s milk years ago and have rarely had a problem since. Dairy creates mucus!
Eucalyptus will help relieve congestion. Inhaling hot steam with this thins the mucus in your sinuses so it can get OUT! Eucalyptus essential oil has powerful antimicrobial property. Peppermint oil can also help. Try about 1 ½ quarts boiling water with 5 drops of eucalyptus and 2 drops peppermint oil. Carefully pour boiling water into heatproof bowl and add oils. Cover with towel tent over your head and breathe in the steam for about 10 minutes. Be careful…don’t burn yourself. Try this a couple times a day.
BEST EVER—-To ease pain and encourage drainage of mucus…use HOT AND COLD PACKS alternately. Freeze a cloth in refrig and heat one in the microwave. Alternate each for about 3 minutes each and end up with the cold pack. You won’t believe how much relief you get! You can also add eucalyptus oil to the hot pack. Can do this several times a day as needed.
To prevent and strengthen immunity…take Echinacea and garlic.
Remember….fluids will help loosen mucus so stay hydrated. Sip broths with garlic in them. Drink plenty of pure water and hot herbal teas.
- At January 28, 2013
- By Vickie
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Take your most annoying, most problematic problem or state of dis-ease and begin to say this outloud:
As of today I am renaming my dis-ease from ______________________ to a state of imbalance in my body.
Whether is is the dreaded cancer word or a bad cold or flu…you will remove the power it has over you. You will reduce the problem to a manageable size. After all…..all problems are truly just that…an imbalance in our body. Imbalances happen all the time and it takes the same sequence of healthy life changes to make a difference.
Inflammation of the joints and cartilage that can hit us most anywhere in our bodies, especially around our joints. Pain and Stiffness in our joints that totally HURT! Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease that affects people of all ages and is thought to be an autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack itself. Fatigue, low grade fevers, depressions, swollen, disfigured joints are all a part of RA.
1) 1st step is to make sure that don’t have a food allergy. Many with these problems do. Try eliminating the most common food allergens like wheat, corn, beef, and dairy. Also avoid nightshade foods like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers for a couple weeks to see if it makes a difference for you.
2) Stop eating any saturated animal fats and eliminate all polyunsaturated hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils from your diet. This will relieve inflammation. START eating healthy fatty acids like olive oils, flax seeds oils, coconut oils, eating cold water fish like salmon, sardines, and herring and add walnuts to your diet. Consider supplementation with a good Omega 3 source.
3) Take in more CAYENNE PEPPER and use a Cayenne cream to relieve pain. Look for Capsaicin in your ingredients for your cream.
4) Add GINGER and TURMERIC to your diet as often as you can to relieve inflammation. They totally WORK. Make yourself a couple fresh ginger teas each day and cook with Turmeric. Slice about 10 thin slices of fresh ginger root in a cup of hot water…sip and enjoy…add honey if you need to. Consider supplementation as well.
5) Take a hot bath with eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils to ease painful, still joints. Add 5 drops of each to a bathtub of hot water and soak for 15 minutes.
6) STAY MOBILE. Keep moving. GENTLE exercise is a must for you. No less than 30 minutes every day even if you have to break it up in 10-15 minutes increments. Make sure you include STRETCHING every single day. Stretch and hold for a few seconds. STAY limber!
7) Consider regular massage to increase circulation and ease pain. Begin to experiment with REFLEXOLOGY….great beginner books out there. Learn how it can ease pain and stimulate the body.
Drinks lots of water, release any anger and unforgiveness …..and your body will begin to heal.
Vaginal itching, irritation, inflammation, white discharge? Yeast infections typically caused by an overgrowth of Candida Albicans, FUNGI that normally inhabit the vagina. This weakness is generally caused by too much stress, HIGH SUGAR diet or hormonal fluctuations which will upset the normal acidic balance of the vagina.
You can actually STARVE the fungi if you stop eating SUGAR and REFINED FOODS. Taking PRO-biotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus, one with each meal for one month will help replenish the healthy intestinal flora.
Avoid tight fitting clothing AND synthetic underwear. Don’t use scented toilet paper, deodorant tampons or scented pads or deodorant soaps. They have chemicals that will dry out sensitive vaginal tissue.
A strong herbal rinse made with 1 ½ cups boiling water; 2 teaspoons dried thyme; 1 teaspoon dried rosemary and 1 teaspoon dried sage is another great infection fighter. Its antimicrobial properties stop the overgrowth of the fungi and the astringent properties soothe irritated tissues. Pour the water over the herbs, cover and steep for 20 minutes. Strain and use as vaginal rinse twice daily.
Clean up your diet by removing sugar and processed foods, add the pro-biotics , stop using scented products and using the herbal rinse as needed should bring relief and in the long run destroy Candida.
- At January 23, 2013
- By Vickie
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INCONTINENCE: So many will suffer without asking for help. After you’ve ruled out the need for surgery…try this: Cut down or out caffeine and alcohol first- both are irritants to the bladder and alcohol causes the muscles to weaken – since weak pelvic floor muscles are a problem with incontinence…give this a try first. Both are diuretics and produce more urine. Aspartame (fake sugar) irritates the bladder as well. Cut it out and see the difference in so many areas of your life. Drink more pure water to cleanse but sip it throughout the day vs. drinking whole bottle at once. KEGELS – do them…they actually will strengthen your pelvic muscles! Practice the URGE STRATEGY- When you get the urge to pee…STOP what you’re doing and stay put. Sit down when possible or stand quietly. Remain very still. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles quickly several times but don’t fully relax between contractions. Relax the rest of your body. Breathe…concentrate on suppressing the urge. Wait until urge goes away. Walk to bathroom at normal pace (NO RUNNING J) Continue squeezing while you walk (no matter what you look like)…do this each time the urge strikes and you can re-train your muscles. Muscles retrain…do they not?
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