YO MOMMA – Really?

At what magical age does YO MOMMA end and YOU begin?  Is there a magical age?  For some reason, 27 years of age was magical for me.  Now, consider the fact that at that time, I had two kids.  Got married right out of high school (graduated a year early) and three years later, we had our first child, our daughter…let the journey begin.  It was around that time that I begin to think for me and what I wanted.  Not, “What would Momma say about this? or think about this”?  Now…I’ve told you a little bit about my YO MOMMA and she was not the busy body type….in your face….model of YO MOMMA.  But still, I thought as a child and not a woman…for whatever reason.  I saw things while raising my kids that made me wonder HOW? WHY? could a YO MOMMA allow this or that to something they loved this much?   We need a counselor for those answers and since we are just “talking”….let’s keep it JUST US. :)

When do you start to realize your choices are your own?  When do you start to understand that the blame game must stop in order for you to grow?  For women, I think it often has to do with their Mommas.  I like to think that my daughter and son had a pretty good YO MOMMA. :)  I was never perfect but I gave it all I had and both of them were a huge focal point for me… I think they would agree.  My daughter told me one time that one day it just hit her…that her YO MOMMA was a woman first and still is.  I think that day we hit a huge changing point in our relationship.  What a revelation for a young woman!  My daughter will be 36 tomorrow and I think it was about five years or more ago that she shared that with me.  In order for that to happen, I had to know myself that I was a woman before my kids, a woman with her own thoughts outside of parenting… and that now that part of my job was over. I had to learn how to become a woman of my own again.  Now maybe you dont suffer with things like that.  Maybe it’s because I grew up around alcoholism…who knows?  Whatever the reason….it was a revelation for me and I hope one for my daughter.   I think it’s important to understand all aspects that we can of the people in our lives.  Where they came from, what they hoped to achieve in life and if you only label them “YO MOMMA”…sometimes that never takes place.  We have to “see” the person for who they really are or were.

As I’ve grown older and think back about my YO MOMMA’s life, I realize much of what she must have went through, her insecurities with her own YO MOMMA….and understanding her humanity…helps me understand, forgive and move on.

So….blogging is a great place to share your thoughts….My hope for you today is that YO MOMMA (whether she is alive or gone) is not causing you grief or pain.   I hope your thoughts are good ones whether she did a great job at parenting you or not.  Find something you appreciated about YO MOMMA and if there is nothing…set out to be a better one yourself.  If your parenting years are over…consider a new improved Grandmother version of yourself.  Point is…It’s never too late.

YO MOMMA was YO MOMMA…good, bad or ugly.  Decide which version you want to be and then get to work on accomplishing it.  Cheers…to YO MOMMA and to YO!


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